Berry Kiss is a natural bouquet and includes a selection of burgundy and white flowers. It is a perfect gift for Christmas.
Choose from a Hand tied bouquet ready to go in a vase, A bouquet packaged in water or A flat bouquet to arrange yourself.
Add a complimentary card message to your order and our Florist will hand write the message for you.
We try to reduce our plastic use where possible. Our bouquets are wrapped predominately with eco friendly materials – brown paper and tissue paper. However, there may be cellophane around the bouquet along with a cellophane base if you have selected the in water option.
Berry Kiss in the image is a ‘Luxury’ size bouquet. Pick from Standard, Luxury or Deluxe for the ultimate gift.
The flowers may vary from the image depending on flower stock availability. We will substitute them with flowers in the same colours. If there are certain flowers you would like included please let us know. Allow up to 2 working days for specific flowers within the bouquet.
You may also like our Amorra bouquet.
If you have a specific request or query please contact us on Whatsapp +71438 716569 or email us at Or call the shop directly on 01438 – 716569 and we will be happy to help.
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